
Showing posts from March, 2019

Create Task Day 4

Today was very productive in terms of functionality. I used enumerate to make it so when you enter a correct letter it shows up in the list and prompts you to enter another letter. Now I have to add an option selection and more code to make you lose a life when you guess a wrong letter. Scale 1-10: 4

Create Task Day 3

Today was a little less productive than usual since it was Mr. Loller's going away party, but I did learn from Ms. Kelly how the enumerate function works, so I will be implementing that tomorrow. I also realized my code is a little repetitive because it creates a list twice, so I will also fix that tomorrow. Scale 1-10: Still 2, but working towards 3.

Create Task Day 2

Today I added a few more functions, including puzzle, guess_letter, and guess_whole. The guesses allow the user to make guesses, obviously, and then see if the guess matches any of the letters in the message. The puzzle just turns the input message into a list. I haven't hit any major roadblocks yet, but I do anticipate some because it's starting to get complicated. Scale 1-10: 2

Create Task Day 1

Today I began my hangman code. The first problem I ran into was creating an array in python to count the number of characters in an input that someone gives. I looked up how to do it, so that wasn't that hard. The next problem is going to be dealing with the difference between spaces and characters, and then filling in the characters once the user guesses one right. I also created a function called guess, which accepts a letter input from the user as a guess. That's all for today. Scale of 1-10: 1


LED 1: Here's our LED thing, it wasn't working at first. The light has a long wire and a short wire, and it matters which one goes where. When I reversed the wires it worked. LED 2: Here's the new setup for LED 2 and 3. It didn't work at first, so Abby helped us fix our configuration. After the configuration was fixed and the code was double-checked, both 2 and 3 worked smoothly.

Private and Public keys

Private key encryption: uses symmetric keys, probably the least secure because if someone knows the key they can immediately get access on both sides. Public key encryption: more secure, uses asymmetric keys as well as certificate authorities and https to verify the trustworthiness of a website. This makes the connection more secure, but not completely safe. "It locks the door, but there's still a door." - Ms. Kelly

2a. and 2b.

2a. This program is written in python. Its purpose is to allow the user to create a shopping list. They can add items, remove items, and see the working list. When the user is finished, the list is saved. The video shows the program running in a terminal window. First, the name of the user is input, then the user can choose to see the list, add an item, remove an item, or quit the program. The user adds three items, removes an item, adds an item, looks at the list, then enters 'quit'. 2b. First I created a program that gave the user the information necessary to run the program - 1 shows the list, 2 adds to the list, 'quit' exits the program - and accepted input from the user. Then I added functions that perform the commands of 1 and 2. When the input was entered, the program performed the command. Additionally, a greeter function greeted the user at the beginning of the program, clearing the terminal window beforehand. Next, I added two functions to get the name of th